Adam Victor – Innovator in clean, reliable energy & robust terrorist proof infrastructure
This underground bunker was created by Adam Victor to bury critical infrastructure to make it terrorist proof, providing large cities peace of mind and overall security. This type of infrastructure is more critical than ever as cities grow more complex and susceptible to a crippling blackout.
Adam Victor at a Coal mine in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Adam Victor being greeting by local officials at Candiota, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Adam Victor – Paving the way for 21st Century clean energy
Mr. Victor serves as the President and Chief Executive Officer of TransGas Development Systems, based in New York City. Mr. Victor has over three decades of experience in energy development and commands a long and impressive career in the oil and gas, coal, and mining industries. This longtime resident of the New York metropolitan area, regularly works with corporate and government entities in the United States and abroad.
In 1981 Mr. Adam Victor formed Gas Alternative Systems, Inc. for the purpose of developing clean, reliable, economical and robust electric and steam infrastructure. It spun off certain projects the most noted being an 80 MW electric output / 500,000 lb/hr steam cogeneration facility in Syracuse, NY which operated very successfully for approximately 20 years.
In 1982 GAS signed the first contract with a major institution, to build a state of the art Co-Generation Facility to supply electricity and Voltage Support to the New York Electric Grid and steam to two Universities, three hospitals and a Public Housing Authority – saving them well over $100 million over 20 years and eliminating/displacing billions of pounds of pollution and emissions.
In 1987 GAS signed the first contract to prepay for a 20 year supply of natural gas to be purchased from Canadian sources. Then just 2 years later GAS became the first American company to receive approval from the National Energy Board to export natural gas into the united state for non-utility purposes at non-regulated prices. By 1991 GAS had received public service approval to build the first natural gas pipeline to bypass the local natural gas utility.
GAS, Inc. later formed two affiliates, TransGas Energy Systems, LLC, which focused on urban Co-Generation systems and TransGas Development Systems, LLC, which focused on clean coal/natural gas to chemical plants both in the United States on overseas.
Mr. Victor has been supervising operations at TransGas Development Systems, LLC, since 2005. He focuses his time and energy on a variety of coal gasification and energy development projects.
TransGas Energy Systems, LLC
TransGas and its affiliates have been pioneers in developing clean, reliable and efficient energy in the United States for over a quarter century.
Adam Victor Reveals a Ticking Time Bomb in NYC
Ticking Time Bomb: Weak Electric Grid Exposed NYC
Ticking Time Bomb: Weak Electric Grid Exposed NYC Is the NYC infrastructure up to 21st century needs? In an interview with CBN news Mr. Adam Victor explains how the [...]
Critical Infrastructure Needs for 21st Century Cities
TransGas Energy Systems, LLC spent a decade trying to develop a highly acclaimed Terrorist Proof underground Power Plant in Brooklyn NY that would supply 1100MW and 2 millions pounds per hour of clean reliable steam – displacing 2 million tons per year of Carbon Dioxide Emissions. TransGas Energy Systems, work lead to Mr Victor becoming a preeminent expert in hardening New York’s electric infrastructure. To that end, James Woolsey, asked Mr Victor to prepare a presentation to government planners about the Vulnerability of New York’s infrastructure. In that 2006 Report, Mr Victor predicted a hurricane produced blackout – such as occurred in 2012 from Hurricane Sandy. The CBN network interviewed Mr. Victor only weeks before the Blackout caused by Hurricane Sandy.
Mr Victor submitted plans for burying it’s power plant – which plans were later Classified by the US government. Chief among Mr Victor’s suggestion was the use of GIS sitchgear.
Watch more videos below – Click link or image.
Cogeneration Facility
Cogeneration Facility TransGas Energy Systems' proposed Cogeneration Facility will produce energy that is more efficient than the existing facilities in New York City. This operation is estimated to bring an investment [...]
Reconstructing the Farragut Substation & Hudson Avenue Steam Plant – GIS
Reconstructing the Farragut Substation and Hudson Avenue Steam Plant Infrastructure that would transform Brooklyn’s environmentally distressed industrial area into a cleaner, more enjoyable area for local residents and is also disaster [...]
TransGas in the News
Businessman Battles the City for Power Plant
Transgas Bids for Proposed Site for Jets Stadium
New York Mag: Power-Plant Hungry
CBN: Will Feds War on Coal Thwart US Energy Independence?| Full Story
Click for Vulnerability of NYC Infrastructure Slideshow
Adam Victor proposes “Sate of the art” high technology underground 1100MW power plant that is terrorist proof as well as cleaner and greener than older technologies and can protect the city against crippling blackouts that threaten the cities most basic operations in the event of a natural disaster or terrorist attack.
This plant was designed to supply New York City with enough electric and steam heat to continuously operate under the most extreme natural disasters or terrorist threats. It prevents Blackouts and keeps the electric and steam heat on, subways moving, critical pumping operations (sewer, water flood operations and gas stations) and communications alive and working no matter what the disaster.
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In the wake of Typhoon Yolnada – one of the most power storms ever to strike land, Mr Victor sent in the first Western team of engineers to the Philippines and provided a report to the UNDP at no cost as result of his work.
TransGas Development Systems, LLC
Focusing on clean coal/natural gas to chemical plants both in the United States on overseas.
Adam Victor with President Dilma of Brazil

Adam Victor and President Dilma with her translator discussing TransGas coal gasification project

Adam Victor, working with leaders around the globe.
TransGas Dvelopement Systems, LLC expertise has been sought out internationally, from Pakistan to India to Mongolia to Ukraine and Brazil. Duroing these efforts, Mr Victor met several leaders, including the Presidents of Brazil and Pakistan. Mr Victor also worked with some of the World’s leading Islamic Scholars to better understand Islamic Banking and seek to bring those assets to bear for energy and chemical projects.
TransGas uses proven Uhde PRENFLO® Coal Gasification technology. The PRENFLO® operation in Puertollano, Spain, is the world’s largest solid-fuel-based International Green Construction Code (IGCC) power plant.
Currently, TransGas has sited 3 of these projects in the coal-rich states of West Virginia and Kentucky in the United States of America and also 2 new projects in the state of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil.
TransGas also employs clean coal gasification to convert coal into nitrogenous fertilizers, such as urea and UAN.
Click images below to watch our videos and learn more about TransGas Development Systems Projects
Fuel Conversion Facility Video
TransGas Fuel Conversion Facility Video This video shows the patent pending process for the Fuel Conversion Facility used by TransGas. Learn More about Coal Gasification
Liquid Fuels
Liquid Fuels What does the future hold in the way of gas and fuel prices? How can we avoid rising gas prices? Adam Victor and TransGas have the answers. Learn [...]
Oil Recovery with TransGas
Oil Recovery with TransGas Clean Carbon Capture for Enhanced Oil Recovery. Learn More about Coal Gasification
Mingo County Coal to Gasoline Project
Mingo County Coal to Gasoline Project CBN story on TransGas' Mingo County Coal to Gasoline Project, narrated by Caitlin Burke What Clean Coal to Gasoline can mean for the [...]
Adams Fork Energy – Mingo County
Adams Fork Energy - Mingo County The Adams Fork Energy, LLC project is a $3 billion facility located on approximately 150 acres off the new King Coal Highway just west of [...]
The Process
TransGas is a leader in the coal to gas industry and looks forward to bringing more clean energy to America in the years to come.
The Process – Turning Coal into Gas – Video
The Process
The Process – Turning Coal into Gas - Using Proven Technology The coal-to-gasoline & coal-to-nitrogenous fertilizer processes TransGas develops projects that use well-proven clean coal gasification technology, chemical transformation [...]
TransGas employs the well-proven clean coal gasification to convert coal into ammonia and then urea, the main component of nitrogenous fertilizers. The TransGas’ technology partners have already designed, built and put into successful operation 135 fertilizer plants worldwide.
Can coal be clean? Adam Victor says yes…
Misinformation is certainly a key reason; new technologies allow coal to be utilized cleanly. These people may also be poorly informed about the non-coal alternatives currently jockeying to replace fossil fuels. Almost certainly, they are misled about carbon dioxide and global warming.
Coal gasification — the chemical conversion of coal into a synthetic gas — is a 75-year-old technology that’s been proven. Once transformed, chemically converted coal can take on numerous useful forms: methane gas, gasoline, fertilizer, even plastics. The technology has advanced to the point where a daily trainload of coal, around 8,500 tons, can be converted into about a million gallons of high-grade, sulfur-free gasoline that meets or exceeds Environmental Protection Agency standards for “minor source” air emissions.
Solar energy is just as bad. Building large thermal solar stations, as is currently being experimented with in deserts around the globe, puts power generation too far away from the consumer to allow for cost-effective transmission. The 2003 blackout taught us a clear lesson: The source of power generation must be near the point of consumption.
Like solar, wind power generation suffers drawbacks. In order to tap into the North American jet stream to produce America’s electric needs, estimates peg the number of windmills at about nine million. Perhaps more concerning is the fact that few studies have been conducted on the potential consequences of disrupting the jet stream. It could be catastrophic.
If global warming is indeed a fact, there is very little that can be done to stop it. Instead, the solution is adaptation and mitigation. Our engineers need to work with the same commitment as the Dutch have to expand upon 700 years of efforts to reclaim land from the sea, or the Venetians and their efforts over 1,500 years to keep their city from being swallowed by the Adriatic.
This is America; defeatists need not apply. Remember, 25,000 years ago mankind crossed from Asia into North America at a time when ice sheets two miles thick covered much of the continent as far south as Manhattan. Yet mankind prospered and did so without electricity, without Gore-Tex and without Al Gore’s Internet.
Adam Victor is president of Project Orange Associates and TransGas Energy Associates. Victor has proposed building a coal gasification plant in Oswego County.
Domestic Development
TransGas and its affiliates have been pioneers in developing clean, reliable and efficient energy in the United States for over a quarter century.
Improved Oil Recovery with TransGas – Video
Oil Recovery with TransGas
Oil Recovery with TransGas Clean Carbon Capture for Enhanced Oil Recovery. Learn More about Coal Gasification
CBN Video: TransGas’ Mingo County Coal to Gasoline Project, by Caitlin Burke
Mingo County Coal to Gasoline Project
Mingo County Coal to Gasoline Project CBN story on TransGas' Mingo County Coal to Gasoline Project, narrated by Caitlin Burke What Clean Coal to Gasoline can mean for the [...]
Domestic Development
Like all of Central Appalachia, Mingo County, West Virginia along with Pike and Floyd Counties, Kentucky possesses vast coal and natural gas resources, ample water and a robust transportation infrastructure. The TransGas project sites are able to draw on the workforce and the vast coal reserves in Pike, Martin, Letcher, Floyd and Knott Counties in Kentucky, Mingo, Logan, Wyoming and McDowell counties in West Virginia and Buchanan and Wise Counties in Virginia.
The citizens and leadership of these counties and states, as well as those of the entire region have been extremely supportive of the TransGas projects. As a result there are now three permitted TransGas projects under development.
TransGas Plant Locations
Access will be from US23/460 to the south with finished product either transported via rail or pipeline.
International Development
The huge growth potential of Brazil’s energy sector has impressed TransGas Development Systems and motivated its President and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Adam Victor, to explore more International opportunities.
Click image to learn more about International Projects by TransGas
Adam Victor Visits Brazil to Discuss Coal Gasification
TransGas Brazil - A leading energy market Since 2013, TransGas has been working with Brazil in the development of a clean coal gasification project. Brazil [...]
Gasification Projects by TransGas – Spain
International Gasification Projects by TransGas TransGas uses proven Uhde PRENFLO® Coal Gasification technology. The PRENFLO® operation in Puertollano, Spain, is the world's largest solid-fuel-based International Green Construction Code [...]
Click image to watch the videos on Adam Victor visiting Pakistan
Adam Victor interviews Pervez Said on Islamic Banking
Adam Victor interviews Pervez Said on Islamic Banking Could Islamic Banking have Prevented the 2008 Bank Bailout? In 2012 Mr. Adam Victor spoke with a leading expert on [...]
Adam Victor Visits Pakistan
Adam Victor Visits Pakistan Businessman Adam Victor visits Pakistan to discuss the possibilities for the development of coal gasification plant. The development opportunity with the most [...]